Stay Safe & Healthy on the Road | Steering your Health

Virtual classes make it easy to stay healthy on the road

Written by Lakin Larimore | Sep 27, 2017 1:39:47 PM

The holidays are right around the corner and you know what that means.

Food, food and more food!

Yoga is a great, low impact exercise that will not only help you keep those extra pounds off, but help you stay calm and relaxed during all of that extra time around your in-laws. One of the great things about practicing yoga is that you don’t need a ton of space or experience to get started. There are numerous apps and sites like Kalimukti that provide virtual yoga classes making it possible to practice anywhere and anytime.

According to WebMD, practicing yoga can lower blood pressure, reduce insomnia and lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Below are some beginning poses to get you started!


What: Cobblers Pose
Benefits: Opens the hips, releasing tension and promoting digestion.
Precautions: If you have a kneed or groin injury make sure to support the legs with a cushion or blanket under the knee.


What: Cat Pose
Benefits: Lengthens and releases tension from the spine, improving alignment and flexibility.
Precautions: If you have a neck injury make sure you are only moving the head only as far as feel comfortable.




What: Cow Face Pose
Benefits: Improves flexibility of the ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, triceps and chest. This pose also promotes good posture.
Precautions: Take caution practicing this pose if you have a shoulder, neck, knee or hip injury.


What: Standing Forward Bend Pose
Benefits: Strengthens the legs, lengthens the hamstrings and calf muscles and stimulates the abdominal organs. This pose can help to alleviate fatigue, stress, insomnia and headaches.
Precautions: Take caution practicing this pose if you have a back injury.


As with anything, consistency is key for any exercise plan to be successful.


For more poses you can visit Kalimukti!