Stay Safe & Healthy on the Road | Steering your Health

National Driver Appreciation Week

Written by Lakin Larimore | Sep 7, 2017 4:01:48 PM

Did you know that there are 3.5 million truck drivers in the United States?

In fact, one in every 15 working Americans is employed by the trucking industry according to the American Trucking Associations. The food in your fridge, the furniture you sit on and the car you drive were all delivered on trucks.

National Driver Appreciation Week is September 10-16th and we encourage you to choose an activity below to show professional drivers everywhere that they are appreciated!

Pay it forward. Do you know those stories about someone in a drive-thru window paying it forward? You can do the same thing at a truck stop. Whether it’s coffee or a lunch, small gestures can have a big impact.

Witness a good deed? Pass it along! We’re quick to share negative experiences, yet a positive interaction can sometimes go unrecognized. Did you see a driver avoid an accident due to safe driving or are you a customer who had a positive experience with one of our drivers? Tell us!

Advocate for infrastructure improvements. Trucks move America forward, without them grocery store shelves would be empty in less than a week. Write, call or email your legislator asking for them to invest in our infrastructure to help keep our roads safe for drivers everywhere.

Practice safe driving habits on the highway around trucks. Avoid distracted driving, obey road signs and don’t hang out in their blind spot. Distracted driving puts so much more at risk than just yourself.

Say thank you. Most drivers spend weeks away from their family missing birthdays and holidays. Whether it’s a family member or friend send them a quick note letting them know you appreciate their sacrifice.