Stay Safe & Healthy on the Road | Steering your Health

Developing healthy habits on the road

Written by Lakin Larimore | Jul 22, 2016 9:20:22 PM

Staying healthy on the road can be a challenge, but possible. Whether the goal is weight loss or muscle gain there are plenty of ways that you can stay fit and active while being an over the road driver. It's easy to fall in the trap of the "paralysis of analysis", meaning that we tend to have information overload and we get lost in the analysis of the exercise and nutrition available out there and never apply any of it to our daily routine. Below are some tips to help you incorporate and exercise or two into your daily routine.

The important thing is to keep on moving!

  1. Make it constant – make a commitment to challenge yourself that no matter what happens, no matter where you are, every other day you will find a way to work out – no excuses.
  2. Where should I work out? - whenever you go to a new place, make your mission to go for a walk.
  3. Track your progress – your goal is to be better today than you were yesterday.  Keep track of what you’re doing, including how much time you spent doing it and make a note how you felt afterward.  This way you can see how many repetitions you will need to do in order to be better and stronger.  There are apps like Evernote which help, but a pen and paper work just fine.
  4. Make eating a big priority -  eat quality food with minimum processing.  Stick to the basics, protein, cheese, whole grain bread, fresh fruit and veggies and nuts.  Minimize eating junk food, processed grains and sugary beverages.  Stock up at grocery stores when you can since options are slim at some truck stops.  Sounds too easy to be effective, but it’s not – if you plan ahead, it IS that easy.
  5. Stay active – it doesn’t matter if you’re walking laps in the parking lot while waiting to be unloaded or waiting for your next load.  FIND A WAY TO BE ACTIVE EVERY DAY.